Organizing Zaragoza

Here is a brief docu of the “field-trip” to Zaragoza in mid january.
While Paula and Robert had to organize a lot concerning the architectual stuff…
Ana was in charge to organize everything around the construction site.
Luckily Totmes appointed Ana from San Sebastian to help and manage the sometimes strange locals.
Anyway. Here are some snap shots:

Strange combination of things to buy at a Zaragoza tourist shop!
The blue thing in the middle is the EXPO mascot, called FLUVI (sorry, we were not responsible for the naming)

Construction site – the impressive silhouette of the cathedral, seen from the roof of the pavilion – the nearness of the cathedral made the group from Vatikan City very happy.

The view from the window of our flat near Utebo, which is in the middle of nowhere! Outside of Zaragoza…
But it is actually very nice. The neighbours are lovely and we have a vacuum cleaner which is called: STUTTGART.

Snapshots of us at our favourite tapas bar in Zaragoza: the “la Republica” – nice decoration, really good food.
This is Paula enjoying the wine…

Robert 389

And this is Ana! Our rescue. We would be lost without her!

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